2007年8月21日 星期二


紐約的Time Square總是人山人海。大部分是外地來的遊客﹝但有哪一個紐約人不是遊客?﹞當我和Leslie在悶熱的街上發愁該如何消磨晚上時,忽然聽到有人大 喊:"Yankees tickets! Tonight's ticket! All sold out!"

我的眼睛一亮,跑去問叫賣的黑人今天的先發投手是誰。兩個黑人討論了一下,說:"Chen Ming-Wang"。原來是王建民在主場對Baltimore Orioles的比賽。小弟聞之大樂,問他票價多少。"$45 each"。媽呀,這會不會太貴。Leslie出馬殺價仍無功而返。黑人不願意把票秀給我們看,只說票的face value $65元,是在三壘後方的好位置。於是小弟只好忍痛掏錢。等到交完錢拿到票,才發現每一張face value只有$5元!被黑人坑了!紐約果然吃人!


沒料到買票卻是苦難的開始。先是好不容易才擠上了惡名昭彰的紐約地下鐵,沙丁魚般的4 train裡面各色人種擠成一團。到了Bronx才發現球場擠在其他建築物之間。球場外各種氣味混雜:餐廳的pizza味、車子的油煙味、香菸味以及紐約 最出名的,謎樣的不知名臭味。人潮繞著球場無意義的轉動,彷彿折磨自己是朝聖過程的一部份。球場混亂的入場動線也說明了這個球場的歷史。




我對這些細節特別仔細觀察,是因為這趟紐約之旅對我來說,除了旅遊外,也將決定我畢業後要在哪裡工作。加州的事務所給了我offer (放煙火!),但紐約也有面試等著我。我排回在加州的天氣、人情跟laid back的態度與紐約的城市生活之間。這次紐約行將確定我在紐約與加州之間的取捨。


球賽大家都有看,我就不詳述了。場內最引我注意的,不是洋基的大牌球星或是王建民,而是報球員名字的播音員。我不認識他。這是一個老邁的聲音。 不花俏、也不特別有磁性。不急不徐,聽得出這個聲音已經播報了許多年,唸過許多來自不同國家的不同名字。這是我在紐約的這幾天中,唯一一個不爭取我的注意 力,卻讓我不得不傾聽的聲音。

從這個聲音開始,我慢慢感受到洋基球場的魅力所在。洋基球場的魅力在它的累積。每一位洋基球員舉手投足都有大牌球星的自信。但從高高的觀眾席上 看下去,他們都十分渺小。不論是外野一字列開的退休號碼,或是洋基的26座冠軍杯,都在在顯示這個球場不容許平庸的表現。不管是洋基的球員、敵對球員或是 裁判,都像是在過往洋基幽靈的注目下打球。每一個背號上都背負著沉重的歷史期待。

洋基球迷對每一球的關注也是我見過最高的。每一個出局數球迷都有不同的反應。王建民第一局失三分,而且整場的狀況都不太穩定。我的後方一直有美 國人大喊:"Come on!Chen!" 把王建民的姓名中間當成first name了。洋基打者都有自己的出場音樂。Abreau的是充滿拉丁風情的salsa曲風,Jeter是花花公子般的抒情音樂,而A-Rod則是外星人感 很重的電音。

比賽的第一個高潮是Cabrera自中外野直傳本壘的刺殺,球迷激動的大喊:"Melky!Melky!Melky!"。 王下場時,仍然得到全場的起立歡送。不過看得出來王對自己表現不滿意。八局時全場為上場的中繼投手Chamberlain歡呼,有些球迷甚至起立鼓掌。當 時的我還沒聽過這位投手,很訝異球迷給這個新人的禮遇。隨後Chamerlain以97 miles的快速球連續解決掉三位打者,意興風發。全場吼叫:"Joba!Joba!Joba!"連地板都為之震動。

不過我最期待,也終於看到的,是"Enter the Sandman",第九局穿著背號42號的男人入場。當音樂聲響起,Rivera自牛棚跑步入場,全場像炸了般起立鼓譟。Rivera的每一個好球都讓球 迷握拳喊叫。Leslie問我:"這麼好!他每一次都有英雄式的出場嗎?"

最後,Rivera把關不成,勝利由Jeter的內野安打獲得。場中放起了Frank Sinatra的"New York New York"。球迷像毒品藥效結束一樣,伸懶腰,快速的收拾東西離開。但Leslie的問題卻在我擠地鐵回家時的心中盤旋。這就是紐約的魅力吧?絕大部分人 沒沒無聞,每日在都市叢林中奮戰,努力佔住自己的一塊領域。為的是有朝一日可以脫離單調的生活,成為那萬中無一的英雄。因為紐約之大,所以榮耀或恥辱都加 倍深刻。經歷過紐約的尺度的人,不論是被剝削或是歡愉,出了紐約便只覺得平庸。

就像Sinatra唱的:"If I can make it here,I'll make it anywhere"。在紐約失敗,是在最困難的地方失敗;在紐約成功,就是在世界成功。我心裡想著:"王建民,加油啊!"請讓我相信,一個台灣孩子,不需 要扭曲自己,也可以在任何地方占有一席之地。

2007年5月15日 星期二



不過辦公室今天最大的新聞,就是我被分配到僅存的corner office!說真的我也不知道為什麼通常是留給rain maker的corner office會輪到我這個最卑微的角色使用,害得每一個經過我辦公室的人都忍不住進來消遣消遣我,不是說我是"super rookie"就是說我"too aggressive"。連原本有點眼紅的另一位實習生,後來都忍不住拍拍我的肩膀說:"I'm glad I didn't get the corner office"。

據說我是今年南加州唯一一個專攻patent的實習生,但patent這幾年業務穩定增加,所以很多律師都對我這個新來的奴隸磨刀霍霍。第一天 上班就有三個assignment排隊,再加上本週預計參加三個party跟一個hearing,,恐怕會越來越沒時間寫blog囉。

2007年5月13日 星期日

California, California

當廣播聲將我驚醒:"Ladies and gentlemen, we now begin landing to John Wayne airport..."我望見機窗外黃澄澄的沙漠上,有一塊塊灑水器灌溉出的棕櫚樹。密密麻麻的一棟棟洋房背後,是一顆顆水藍色的游泳池,像許多燒盡的藍 色蠟燭凝結在磁磚上。陽光下人工的藍水與自然的黃沙對比顯眼。我知道加州到了。

攜著兩大箱行李,我準備開始為期十個星期的暑假實習(summer intern)。很意外的我並不緊張,因為我並不看好自己在外國的法律事務所以英文處理法律事務的表現(請大家原諒我的英式中文);反而有一種"賺到這十星期的錢就好"的自暴自棄。但我很開心回來實習。我媽曾說,這是我的福地。我的第一個(也是唯一一個)PhD program是在這裡申請到的;我的第一個(也是唯一一個) summer internship offer也是在這裡拿到的。無可挑剔的天氣,安全舒適的生活環境,跟加州標榜的laid back (放鬆)態度,還有近在咫尺的海灘,對嚮往輕鬆賺錢的我再適合不過了。

加州人常說"California is a country by itself (加州自己是一個國家)"。在加州前後住了八年,我漸漸明白這句話不是標新立異,而是事實。在加州,New England的貴族、紐約的強勢、芝加哥的堅毅、與德州的富闊都很遙遠,彷彿在世界的另一端。一個在DC可能是二版的華府醜聞,或是紐約的併購風聲,可能只是LA Times上的小方塊。在加州,一切紛紛擾擾都被陽光熨平。沒有人特別偉大,沒有事情值得激動。生活只在房子、汽車與對週末的期待之間。加州不但自己是一個國家,它還是一個地中海型國家。

另一個喜歡這裡是華人多。有些自我要求高的人,會覺得出國就應該多跟歐美人士相處、學習西方文化。我很敬佩這樣的人。不過, 或許是年屆而立,再加上估計自己不會太快回台灣,我從來沒有那種特別積極與外國人來往的急迫感。我一來不擅於networking (應該說是根本不懂),二來我相信不論國籍,心誠則自然會跟合得來的人成為朋友,三來勉強的友誼不深刻也不持久;這樣留學幾年下來,倒也認識不少人。例如很照顧我的印度教授,各國來的學生,以及通常友誼最長久的,同是台灣來的留學生。回來又可以碰到以前的好友跟老師們,還可以吃到阿宗麵線跟珍 珠奶茶,是最開心的。

話說回我在機場拿了行李,領了Hertz租的車,發現手機裡面有一通房東的留言。房東是大學的女助理教授,說她今晚不回家,房門鑰匙放在黏在門上的信封裡。進了房門,讀到信封裡另外給我的留言:"sorry mike, I won't come home tonight. The weather is great so we are surfing today. The parking pass is in the envelope too. Don't forget to separate the recycles..."。


2007年4月20日 星期五

One of my favorite opinions

This is probably interesting only to law students. It's a very popular case, often used in legal writing class for case search assignment. I try to translate some key terms to make the reading easier. It is also good English writing. To those who are not familiar with US jury system, the Texas jury is known to be very friendly and generous to plaintiffs (德州陪審團判賠給原告是有名的大方).

Republic of Bolivia v. Philip Morris Co., Inc.
Civil Action No. G-99-110 (March 1, 1999)(Kent, J.).
39 F. Supp. 2d 1008 (D. Tex. 1999)

Plaintiff, the Republic of Bolivia, brings this action to recover from numerous tobacco companies various health care costs it allegedly incurred in treating illnesses its residents suffered as a result of tobacco use (玻利維亞共和國控告美國煙草公司並索賠). This action was originally filed in the District Court of Brazoria County, Texas, 239th Judicial District, and removed to this Court on February 19, 1999, by certain Defendants alleging jurisdiction under .... (原告原本在德州的Brazoria郡提告,後來因種種理由移至本庭). For the following reasons, the Court exercises its authority and discretion pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1404(a) to sua sponte transfer this case to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (本庭基於以下理由將本案轉交DC法院處理(也就是我現在唸書的地方)).

This is one of at least six similar actions brought by foreign governments in various courts throughout the United States. The governments of Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Thailand, Venezuela, and Bolivia have filed suit in the geographically diverse locales of Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida, in both state and federal courts (至少六個國家在美國不同地方對煙草公司提告). Why none of these countries seems to have a court system their own governments have confidence in is a mystery to this Court. 

Moreover, given the tremendous number of United States jurisdictions encompassing fascinating and exotic places, the Court can hardly imagine why the Republic of Bolivia elected to file suit in the veritable hinterlands of Brazoria County, Texas (Brazoria郡鳥不生蛋). The Court seriously doubts whether Brazoria County has ever seen a live Bolivian … even on the Discovery Channel. Though only here by removal, this humble Court by the sea is certainly flattered by what must be the worldwide renown of rural Texas courts for dispensing justice with unparalleled fairness and alacrity, apparently in common discussion even on the mountain peaks of Bolivia! Still, the Court would be remiss in accepting an obligation for which it truly does not have the necessary resources. Only one judge presides in the Galveston Division (也就是Kent法官大人)–which currently has before it over seven hundred cases and annual civil filings exceeding such number–and that judge is presently burdened with a significant personal situation which diminishes its ability to always give the attention it would like to all of its daunting docket obligations, despite genuinely heroic efforts to do so. And, while Galveston is indeed an international seaport (雖然本庭所在地也算是一個國際港), the capacity of this Court to address the complex and sophisticated issues of international law and foreign relations presented by this case is dwarfed by that of its esteemed colleagues in the District of Columbia who deftly address such awesome tasks as a matter of course.

Indeed, this Court, while doing its very best to address the more prosaic matters routinely before it, cannot think of a Bench (法院) better versed and more capable of handling precisely this type of case, which requires a high level of expertise in international matters. In fact, proceedings brought by the Republic of Guatemala are currently well underway in that Court in a related action, and there is a request now before the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation to transfer to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia all six tobacco actions brought by foreign governments, ostensibly for consolidated treatment (波利維亞在DC另有一個案子進行中。同時長官要求把這六個案子集中起來). Such a Bench, well-populated with genuinely renowned intellects, can certainly better bear and share the burden of multidistrict litigation than this single judge division, where the judge moves his lips when he reads….

Regardless of, and having nothing to do with, the outcome of Defendants’ request for transfer and consolidation, it is the Court’s opinion that the District of Columbia, located in this Nation’s capital, is a much more logical venue (管道) for the parties and witnesses in this action because, among other things, Plaintiff has an embassy in Washington, D.C., and thus a physical presence and governmental representatives there, whereas there isn’t even a Bolivian restaurant anywhere near here! Although the jurisdiction of this Court boasts no similar foreign offices, a somewhat dated globe(地 球儀) is within its possession. While the Court does not therefrom profess to understand all of the political subtleties of the geographical transmogrifications ongoing in Eastern Europe, the Court is virtually certain that Bolivia is not within the four counties over which this Court presides, even though the words Bolivia and Brazoria are a lot alike and caused some real, initial confusion until the Court(法官) conferred (諮詢) with its law clerks (助理). 

Thus, it is readily apparent, even from an outdated globe such as that possessed by this Court, that Bolivia, a hemisphere away, ain’t in south-central Texas, and that, at the very least, the District of Columbia is a more appropriate venue (though Bolivia isn’t located there either). Furthermore, as this Judicial District bears no significant relationship to any of the matters at issue, and the judge of this Court simply loves cigars, the Plaintiff can be expected to suffer neither harm nor prejudice by a transfer to Washington, D.C., a Bench better able to rise to the smoky challenges presented by this case, despite the alleged and historic presence there of countless "smoke-filled" rooms (DC有許多"菸室",也就是密室政治的地方). Consequently, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. Section 1404(a), for the convenience of parties and witnesses, and in the interest of justice, this case is hereby transferred to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia (案子還是轉到DC去吧).


2007年3月22日 星期四

My father. My career.

除夕撥了個電話回台灣。家裡照例熱熱鬧鬧的在準備年夜飯。媽媽在電話裡抱怨準備年夜飯很麻煩,妹妹忙著撕雞肉沒空聊天,奶奶股票休市很無聊,爺 爺則在摺拜拜用的紙元寶,另外還有李大姨跟表伯也來家裡一起吃年夜飯。久違的過年氣氛從電話那頭傳來,讓我不禁思念起台灣團圓的人情味。最後電話輪到爸爸 的手上。







其實我很想跟我爸聊久一點。但似乎從叛逆期開始,就形成了現在,除了"正事"之外不會跟爸爸閒聊的相處模式。這種溝通模式自我叛逆期開始。當時 賀爾夢分泌過多的我,開始拒絕聽"大人"的話,拒絕接受任何"大人"的建議。現在自己也是大人了,回想起青春期的我,也會覺得那個人怎麼那麼機車。另一個 原因是我爸傳統"嚴父"的教育方式,讓小時候的我只要跟爸爸多談兩句就會覺得快要挨罵了。也或許是小時候父親常常不在家的關係。過去一段不算短的缺乏溝 通,造成現在想溝通卻又不知如何進行。

即使是"正事",如事業、政治等男生之間比較熱衷的話題,我也到大學時才開始跟爸爸討論。這其實是我自己的損失。爸爸是個成功的商人,讀很多書,人緣很好,事業上有他們那一代的積極進取,打麻將也常贏錢。如果我的叛逆性沒有持續那麼久,我會很早開始詢問爸爸的意見的。現在留學深造(太久),出 社會,才慢慢懂得爸爸能掙得今天在事業與人緣上的成功是多麼的不容易,當初管我不是大人在壓迫小孩 (其實也沒有管很多)。

雖然我麻將不常贏錢(因為沒在打),唸過的書也沒漫畫多,人緣也普普通通;但在事業上爸爸對我的影響很深,這一點也是出社會後我才慢慢自我發 掘的。我會期待自己盡速財務獨立,有自己的事業與仰賴自己的員工,同時兼顧家庭。除此之外,我父母給我最大的啟發,是要永遠保有一群快快樂樂的朋友。這種 種的自我期許,大概都指向我有一天要回台灣發展吧?在我汲汲營營的尋找工作,規劃未來的同時,父母的身教也型塑我對未來的期待。

其實在學業跟找工作的壓力之下,在美國不太有空分心思念台灣的家人,也不會覺得距離真的遙遠。尤其是爸媽比自己還會玩,朋友比自己還多,我也放 心他們過得很快樂。但在逢年過節,或是聽聞別人父母的健康不佳時,還是想提醒爸媽:要注意自己身體健康。爸爸煙大概是戒不掉了,要避免暴飲暴食或是熬夜。 媽媽瘦身成功,也不要忘記跟妹妹去做運動。等我放假回台灣,會帶一台Wii回去給大家動一動的。

2007年1月27日 星期六

底片,不要跟我說再見 Don't say goodbye, film.

It seems like yesterday that I was walking on Han-Ko Street (漢口街), looking for my first SLR (single lens reflex) camera. That was a summer weekend. I was a sophomore student, eager to express my thoughts and to distinguish myself from my peers. I needed a hobby that could show my aesthetic perspective and capture the most dynamic days of my life. Although I have been taking pictures since I was a kid, it was only then did I start to seriously use camera as a tool of creation.

Actually, my first SLR was a Minolta SRT-102b, an old mechanical camera that was a gift from my uncle. Subsequently I got 3 lenses for that camera. The Minolta did not serve me long because I was never satisfied with the image quality and bulkiness.

At the end of that afternoon on Han-Ko St., I got the first SLR that I actually paid money for--a Contax Aria. It is a tight, black, mechanical camera that only needs battery for its metering system, similar to my old Minolta or the then popular Nikon FM2. On the same day I bought 2 lenses --Planar 50/1.7 and Distagon 28/2.8--some films, a camera bag, and a lens cleansing set. It was as of yesterday that I was carrying my new toys home on the metro, excited and worried that I might have spent too much money on a hobby that will not last long.

The Aria brought me into a new world. I started to take lessons in photography and darkroom. Shutter speed, aperture, focal length, process time, zone metering, color temperature, etc. etc. The hobby that I expected to have low-threshold and shallow learning curve turned out to be a fiesta of chemistry and physics. Never did I complain about the overwhelming knowledge. In fact, I probably enjoy the science more than the art of photography.

No one realized it was the dusk of film photography. Films were cheap. Darkroom was mysterious and cool. SLR was equipment for adventurist of life. After every tour friends will re-convene to share pictures and see slides projected on a big white screen. Each shot was taken carefully because the second shot costs another frame of film. It was a time when pressing the shutterbug is making a decision; when recieving pictures back from the photo lab is a rediscovery of memory.

Was I a good photographer? Not at all. Two years after I got my camera, I realized I was just using the camera to capture the moment rather than to create something innovative. I realized I am a photography opportunist, that is, I only take good pictures when a beautiful scene presents itself. Like most people, I take good pictures when I'm shooting children, animals, speactular landscapes or people that I care. These pictures are good not because I'm good at photography, but because they are beautiful themselves. I didn't experiment; I didn't fake "hip" pictures or pretend I have a sharp style.

It took me another 2 years to realize that's OK. I don't have to be the most creative or skilled photographer to claim I am a photographer. I don't have to claim I am a photographer. Whether I enjoy the process, the product, the equipment, the science or the target does not matter; all it matters was that I was having fun. And I had so much fun.

Eight years have passed since the day I was on Han-Ko St., my Aria is still serving me well. There have been scartches and wears on my camera and my lens, but my Aria never disappoints me when the slides return to me from the photo lab. Sometime I shoot more intensively, other times I may be too busy to pick up my camera. But whenever I feel like taking pictures, my Aria will be ready in the camera bag, waiting for me to bring it out.

Soon I will buy a digital camera. The cost of films and the convenience of digital camera will no longer justify shooting films. Soon my Aria will be shelfed in a closet or a box; perhaps waiting to inspire a new generation. Soon I will forget about those films I had spent on my Aria, and all the excitements they have brought to me. But before that day, don't say goodbye.

2007年1月21日 星期日






2007年1月7日 星期日


在New Jersey的Hoboken至地鐵站的路上,接到我第一個,也是唯一一個提供(offer)。我的summer intern終於有著落了。

電話鈴響前,我還正在思考是否要擴大申請範圍至其他領域的事務所,例如專精international trade law的事務所。直到掛上電話後,我仍沒有預期的興奮,反而有一種"完成一件工作"的失落感,因為這意謂著下學期我用再費心一家又一家的投申請書,收一張 又一張的rejection letter。如我在法律這條路上其他的小小成就,我對這個好消息是忐忑多於得意。跟其他offer接不完的優秀學生相比,這個僅有的offer總讓我有 種"低空飛過"的僥倖感。

事實上這個offer來得很意外。一來interview不是call back,而是我在加州旅遊時順便安排的;二來interview時並沒有很click、沒有跟面試官有來電的感覺;三來我沒有如慣例在 interview後寄上感謝函,因此以為自己的疏忽已經搞砸了面試結果。我唯一能想到這次interview與過去的差別,是我當時已經豁出去了,就以 一種"已經是associate"的態度面試。可能是這種沒來由的自信使這次interview結果不同。

這個offer是來自一個專精智慧財產權(Intellectual Property)、反托拉斯法(antitrust)與複雜訴訟(complex litigation),有約600位律師的大型事務所。我自然是分到智慧財產權部門。

我另一個忐忑的原因,是他們的summer intern program以競爭激烈聞名,包含在local office工作4週以及在總部訓練1週。據說在總部的訓練是將所有參加者(各個辦公室推薦的實習生共48人)分為每四人一小隊,各代表一件案子的原告與被告,在一週內從寫訴狀一路競賽到最後法庭辯 論。事務所會在畢業後聘請表現優良的參賽者。有看過美國電視節目"survivor"或是"The Apprentice"的人可以想像比賽的感覺。



PS: 回頭算一下。我過去這大半年,一共參加了5個job fair (DC, NY, PH, SF, LA),25~30個screening interview,6個call-back interview (NY, SF, OC x 2, DC x 2),一個offer。給有需要的人參考。