《午夜‧巴黎》(Midnight in Paris)這部伍迪艾倫的新片,它的好我就不贅述了。所有曾被巴黎奪目之美震撼的人都該看看,溫習一下巴黎的萬種風情。不過看過這部片的人應該都會像我一樣,後悔自己的藝術素養不足,無法捕捉許多電影裡的細節。
《午夜‧巴黎》(Midnight in Paris):艾靈頓公爵 (Duke Ellington) 1962年的爵士樂專輯名稱。
柯爾‧波特 (Cole Albert Porter, June 9, 1891 – October 15, 1964) :印第安那州富家之子,美國爵士年代 (Jazz era) 著名的百老匯作曲家。大學時為Yale Glee Club社長。哈佛法學院肄業。著名作品包括 "Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love",歌詞在本文末。
史考特‧費茲傑羅 (Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald, September 24, 1896 – November 21, 1940):美國文壇最重要小說家之一,一生大起大伏。其妻為潔妲‧費茲傑羅。自大學起酗酒。在巴黎時結識同是美國外遣文人海明威,兩人同為巴黎『失落的世代』(Lost Generation)文人小圈圈份子,並曾致力提攜海明威的文壇地位。著《大亨小傳》,描寫爵士年代美國人在歌舞昇華中的迷惘與空虛。近期因電影而較為人知的作品為《班傑明的奇幻旅程》(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)。
潔妲‧費茲傑羅 (Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald, July 24, 1900 – March 10, 1948):小說家。史考特‧費茲傑羅之妻。名門千金。性格情緒化且作風狂妄,與先生兩人鋒頭十足,年紀輕輕就成為美國爵士世代的文壇代表巨星。夫妻兩人與海明威由朋友而逐漸交惡的故事廣為人知。曾被海明威批評『故意鼓勵先生酗酒來轉移他對小說的注意力』。晚年精神疾病加重而住進療養院。
海明威 (Ernest Miller Hemingway, July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961):著名美國戰地記者與作家,作品包括《老人與海》(The Old Man and the Sea)、《妾似朝陽又照君》(The Sun Also Rises)與《戰地春夢》(A Farewell to Arms)。以自負、說話必用完整句型,且充滿男性氣概的態度聞名。曾說寫作「句子要寫得簡潔,文章開首之段落要短,用強有力的的字眼,思想要正面。」引介史考特‧費茲傑羅至巴黎的文藝圈,但與潔妲‧費茲傑羅從一開始就互不順眼,直至與費茲傑羅夫妻決裂。
Juan Belmonte Garcia (April 14, 1892 – April 8, 1962):被許多人譽為西班牙有史以來最偉大的鬥牛士。為海明威好友,並是海明威名著《妾似朝陽又照君》及《午後之死》(Death in the Afternoon)中的重要角色。
馬克‧吐溫 (Mark Twain, November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910):美國幽默大師、小說家、演說家。著有《頑童歷險記》(Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。
格特魯德‧斯泰因 (Gertrude Stein, February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946):美國女作家、詩人、藝評、藝術收藏家。大半生定居巴黎,為現代主義文學與現代藝術的發展中的觸媒。在巴黎時慧眼贊助畢卡索、馬蒂斯、賽尚等藝術家。與愛麗絲‧B‧托克勒斯 (Alice B. Toklas)共同主持在巴黎花街27 rue de Fleurus的沙龍,為當時文人雅士聚集之處。沙龍的活躍記載於海明威的回憶錄《流動的饗宴》(A Moveable Feast)中。
巴勃羅‧畢卡索 (Pablo Ruiz Picasso, October 25, 1881 – April 8, 1973):西班牙畫家、雕塑家。20世紀現代藝術的代表人物。於20世紀初移居巴黎,和喬治‧布拉克創始立體主義 (cubism)。其1930年的畫象《特技人》(The Acrobat)描繪一個細瘦的腳手呈現不可思議的角度的人。
Juan Belmonte Garcia (April 14, 1892 – April 8, 1962):被許多人譽為西班牙有史以來最偉大的鬥牛士。為海明威好友,並是海明威名著《妾似朝陽又照君》及《午後之死》(Death in the Afternoon)中的重要角色。
馬克‧吐溫 (Mark Twain, November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910):美國幽默大師、小說家、演說家。著有《頑童歷險記》(Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)。
格特魯德‧斯泰因 (Gertrude Stein, February 3, 1874 – July 27, 1946):美國女作家、詩人、藝評、藝術收藏家。大半生定居巴黎,為現代主義文學與現代藝術的發展中的觸媒。在巴黎時慧眼贊助畢卡索、馬蒂斯、賽尚等藝術家。與愛麗絲‧B‧托克勒斯 (Alice B. Toklas)共同主持在巴黎花街27 rue de Fleurus的沙龍,為當時文人雅士聚集之處。沙龍的活躍記載於海明威的回憶錄《流動的饗宴》(A Moveable Feast)中。
巴勃羅‧畢卡索 (Pablo Ruiz Picasso, October 25, 1881 – April 8, 1973):西班牙畫家、雕塑家。20世紀現代藝術的代表人物。於20世紀初移居巴黎,和喬治‧布拉克創始立體主義 (cubism)。其1930年的畫象《特技人》(The Acrobat)描繪一個細瘦的腳手呈現不可思議的角度的人。
嘉布麗葉兒‧波納‧「可可」‧香奈兒(Gabrielle Bonheur "Coco" Chanel, August 19, 1883 – January 10, 1971):法國前衛時裝設計師,香奈兒(Chanel)品牌的創始人。
薩爾瓦多‧達利(Salvador Dali, May 11, 1904 – January 23, 1989):西班牙超現實主義畫家。為巴黎蒙馬特區探索受佛洛伊德影響的藝術小圈圈人員之一。充滿想像力,行事誇張,引人注目。喜愛自然科學與數學,有許多犀牛與犀牛角雕刻。
Man Ray (August 27, 1890 – November 18, 1976):美國超現實主義畫家、攝影家,對達達主義與超現實主義運動貢獻良多。與達利等同為在1920年代蒙帕納斯 (Montparnasse)區活躍的藝術家之一。
路易斯‧布努埃爾 (Luis Bunuel, February 22, 1900 – July 29, 1983):西班牙國寶級導演。與抽象派名畫家達利是搭擋好友。作品有《安杜魯之犬》 (Un chien andalou)、《天使滅亡》(The Exterminating Angel)等。其中《天使滅亡》的主要劇情為描述一群晚餐的客人,因為不知名的原因無法離開房間,而逐漸褪下理性與人性的過程。
亨利‧馬諦斯(Henri Matisse, December 31, 1869 – November 3, 1954):法國畫家,野獸派創始人,也是雕塑家、版畫家。以使用鮮明、大膽的色彩而著名。
托馬斯‧斯特恩斯‧艾略特 (Thomas Stearns Eliot, September 26, 1888 – January 4, 1965):美國/英國詩人、評論家、劇作家。最著名的詩集為《荒原》(The Waste Land)。其詩作《普魯弗洛克的情歌》(The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock) 中有一句:『我用咖啡匙舀盡了我的生命』(I have measured out my life with coffee spoons)。
暗夜‧伍德 (Djuna Barnes, June 12, 1892 – June 18, 1982):美國女作家,英文文學現代化運動的重要推手。重要作品有《夜林》 (Nightwood)。女同性戀者。因其偏T的個性,可能在跳舞時習慣跳男性的領 (lead) 舞角色 。
美心餐廳 (Maxim’s):巴黎十九世紀末著名餐廳,位在3 rue Royale。以充滿『絲絨,蕾絲,緞帶,鑽石』的裝潢風格聞名。現屬皮爾卡登(Pierre Cardin)集團旗下。
亨利‧德‧土魯斯-羅特列克 (Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, November 24, 1864 – September 9, 1901):法國貴族、後印象派畫家,人稱「蒙馬特之魂」。他擅長人物畫,所繪多為舞者、女伶、妓女等中下階層人物,並留連於葛樂蒂磨坊 (Moulin De La Galette)及紅磨坊 (Moulin Rouge)等聲色場所。其寫實、深刻的畫風影響日後畢卡索等畫家的人物畫風格。
愛德加‧竇加 (Edgar Degas, July 19, 1834 – September 27, 1917):法國印象派畫家、雕塑家。
保羅‧高更(Paul Gauguin,June 7, 1848 - May 8, 1903):法國後印象派畫家。
"Let's Do It, Let's Fall in Love" vocal by Ella Fitzgerald
When the little bluebird
Who has never said a word
Starts to sing Spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding dong Ding dong
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune to the moon up above
It is nature that is all
Simply telling us to fall in love
And that's why birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Cold Cape Cod clams, 'gainst their wish, do it
Even lazy jellyfish do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
I've heard that lizards and frogs do it
Layin' on a rock
They say that roosters do it
With a doodle and cock
Some Argentines, without means do it
I hear even Boston beans do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
When the little bluebird
Who has never said a word
starts to sing Spring spring spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding ding ding
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune
The most refined lady bugs do it
When a gentleman calls
Moths in your rugs they do it
What's the use of moth balls
The chimpanzees in the zoos do it,
Some courageous kangaroos do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
I'm sure sometimes on the sly you do it
Maybe even you and I might do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Who has never said a word
Starts to sing Spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding dong Ding dong
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune to the moon up above
It is nature that is all
Simply telling us to fall in love
And that's why birds do it, bees do it
Even educated fleas do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
Cold Cape Cod clams, 'gainst their wish, do it
Even lazy jellyfish do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
I've heard that lizards and frogs do it
Layin' on a rock
They say that roosters do it
With a doodle and cock
Some Argentines, without means do it
I hear even Boston beans do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
When the little bluebird
Who has never said a word
starts to sing Spring spring spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding ding ding
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune
The most refined lady bugs do it
When a gentleman calls
Moths in your rugs they do it
What's the use of moth balls
The chimpanzees in the zoos do it,
Some courageous kangaroos do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love
I'm sure sometimes on the sly you do it
Maybe even you and I might do it
Let's do it, let's fall in love