2008年6月21日 星期六

My daily routine

7:05 AM Wake up.

7:08 AM Call Leslie. "Oil is so expensive in California." "But Shia and Sunis finally ceased fire in Iraq."

7:45 AM Take cold water shower. Brush teeth. Gasby.

8:20 AM Kellog cereal and milk. Prepare lunch box.

8:30 AM Leave to school. Oil $4.65/gallon.

9:02 AM Arrive Univ. of La Verne. Late for class.

12:45 PM Class ends. Hungry. Subway, eat fresh!

1:15 PM Enter the library. No internet no phone signal no talk.

2:10 PM Fall asleep in library. Coffee.

6:52 PM Microwave lunch box. Meat and rice.

7: 40 PM Fall asleep in library. Mint.

10:00 PM Leave Univ. of La Verne. Oil $4.75/gallon.

10:30 PM Arrive home. Cousin playing World of Warcraft.

11:00 PM Watch Law and Order. DA: "Objection! Your honor." Judge: "On what ground?" DA: "I'm too good looking!" Judge: "Overruled."

11:30 PM Call Leslie. "Oil is so expensive in California." "But universal health care is too expensive in recession."

11:45 PM Take cold water shower.

12:00 PM Set alarm at 7AM. Go to bed.